Pokemon Theme Song - AJ Rafael
"you know you used to be in love with pokemon. don't even try to lie." - Aj Rafael
Hehe, I died laughing at the bloopers with his dogs, I've said the same thing so many times.."Hey, what are you eating!?"
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"you know you used to be in love with pokemon. don't even try to lie." - Aj Rafael
Hehe, I died laughing at the bloopers with his dogs, I've said the same thing so many times.."Hey, what are you eating!?"
Kinda like a vocaloid~
Labels: kafei is the awesomest
I was amazed at this. They are all so awesome. I wish I had a ton of musically gifted friends. :P
I came across this one too.
Fatboy slim- bird of prey
Over 100 songs! Thanks to all! To mark this, I present!
Sorry for all the piano recently, but following up on the kid that played the 4 hand of Gershwin a bit earlier, here is a 6 hand version with him. They change it up too. I won't ruin it for you, so you're in for a treat!
Played 4 hand style at Disneyland! Fantastic! I just wish the end wasn't cut off. You're going to want to hang on till the end though.
Labels: kafei is a pokemon master
...Seriously best AMV I've ever seen I think.
I've watched and read fruits baskets, so I could actually understand most of this. ^^;;
Thought I would go along with Kafei's post on interesting music videos! Here's one of a song by the band Radiohead, called 'There There'. Anyone that knows my music tastes well enough knows that this song is one of my favorite songs ever! But I think the video is very entertaining to watch, almost with a story book feel to it!
Labels: kafei is the poopy
Labels: kafei is the bestest
Comments from the creator "This is just a little songlet I wrote for my boyfriend. It's me singing and playing the ukulele. I also made the puppet (it's meant to be a puppet version of me... and yes, I'm a girl.)"
Labels: Kafei is sad today
:3 First post , hooray~ This is your friendly neighborhood Raichu, KafeiCHU!
Labels: kafei is the bestest
Scottish Chinese sounds!
Another PC creation.
I really like this song, and I hope you enjoy my video as much as the song. :P
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